E-Learning Courses

Avon Local Councils' Association


Standards in Public Life

This module is designed to support those elected or co-opted and/or working in local councils, to understand the principles of conduct expected of all councillors.

Councillors must abide by its own council's code of conduct. Information provided in this module is based upon national model guidance produced by The Local Government Association. The module also supports other versions of the Code of Conduct.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand councillor obligations under the Code
  • Understand when and where the Code applies
  • Understand the minimum standards of conduct required in public office
  • Understand the importance of training and maintaining competence
  • Understand the different types of interest and when to declare

Understand the importance of the Register of Interests and its ongoing maintenance.

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An Introduction to Local Councils - free to members

 Welcome to our e-module, designed to assist newly elected and co-opted councillors to understand what local councils are, what they do and how they operate.

Learning Objectives:

  • What is a local council?
  • What can they do?
  • How do they operate?
  • How are they financed?
  • What role do councillors and officers play?
  • What to expect at a council meeting?
  • What should I do next?

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Please be aware that although we are offering this course free to ALCA members, we incur a cost. We are allowing one year from the date of registration for you to attempt this module, but if you don't then we may need to recoup all or some of these costs. I hope you consider this to be fair.

Introduction to Behavioural Agility

(£10) 20 mins

In an evolving and hectic world where the pace of life is faster than it has ever been before, it is becoming increasingly important to be able to think on your feet and adapt quickly and positively.

Behavioural agility is essentially about your dynamic capability and how to respond to situations in a timely, innovative and resilient way when needed.

Cultivating your behavioural agility improves your cognitive function and helps you make better decisions, solve problems, and reduce unhealthy stress levels. It lightens your load and helps you to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

This e-learning module will give you a greater understanding of behavioural agility. It will provide you with practical advice to help you become more agile.

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Adopt a growth mindset and explore your potential
  • Understand how to positively embrace change as an essential evolution for personal success
  • Let go of unhelpful thinking and learn to manage uncertainty and complexity
  • Tap into your dynamic capability and be bolder

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you. 

An Introduction to Resilience

 (£10) 20 mins

Challenging, disappointing and stressful situations are all part of life. Knockbacks, job insecurities, money worries, illness, and relationship issues can affect us all at some point.

How you deal with these situations depends very much on your ability to be resilient. Resilience is about building your inner strength so that you can survive and thrive in the volatile, uncertain, and complex world that we live in.

This e-learning module will give you a greater understanding of resilience and offers practical advice to help you become more resilient.

By the end of this module you will be able to:

  • Understand the fundamental principles of personal resilience
  • Be more aware of the benefits of being open and receptive to change
  • Think positively and view challenges more optimistically

Take personal responsibility and commit to positive action.

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receiving the login details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Mental Health Essentials

(£14) 45 mins

At some point, everyone struggles or has challenges with their mental health – just like we all have challenges with our physical wellbeing. In fact, one in four of us will experience a mental health problem this year.

This course will increase your awareness of mental health and provide techniques to support you, and those around you. You’ll learn how mental health can vary, how to improve your own wellbeing, and how to create a supportive work environment.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Use the mental health continuum to assess your own wellbeing and communicate how you’re feeling
  • Use the five steps to wellbeing and circle of influence to help improve your wellbeing
  • Spot some of the signs of poor mental health in others
  • Take steps to create a more supportive workplace environment

Topics explored in this course, Mental Health Essentials:

  • Self-care
  • Helping others

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Unconscious Bias

(£14) 35 mins

Have you ever jumped to the wrong conclusion or misjudged someone you just met?

We all do it, with just about everyone we come across. We make snap judgements about people based on the very little information we know about them. And mostly, we do it without even knowing.

Our unconscious biases can have a big influence on how we feel about people and affect the decisions we make every day. Because these biases are often rooted in inaccurate or incomplete information, they can lead to unfair assumptions and poor decision-making, without us realising.

This course aims to increase your awareness of unconscious bias and give practical tips on how you can reduce the effect it has on your decisions, attitudes and behaviour.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe what unconscious bias is and why it occurs
  • Recognise different types of unconscious bias
  • Recognise the impact unconscious bias can have in the workplace
  • Use strategies to help reduce biased thinking affecting your actions at work

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Environmental Awareness Essentials

(£14) 45 mins

The climate emergency is headlining the news, yet the catastrophic consequences reported can feel very distant. All too slowly we're learning that a healthy environment is essential to our survival, and to the future of our planet.

While many individuals and businesses alike are trying to operate more sustainably, we often miss simple opportunities to make a positive impact on our environment - not because we don't care, but because we lack awareness. Doing our bit to safeguard our future starts with expanding our knowledge.

By the end of this course you will:

  • Recognise the benefits of a greener approach to your working practices
  • Know how positive action in the workplace can make a difference to our environment
  • Take steps to reduce the negative impact your workplace can have on the environment
  • Make waste management choices that are better for the planet

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

An Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and Personal Resilience

(£16) 60 mins

Emotional intelligence and personal resilience combined can help us manage difficult and stressful situations, many of which we may face in our roles in our different local councils.

In this module we are going to explore what we mean by emotional intelligence and how to strengthen it in ourselves. We're going to to explore what we mean by personal resilience and we will consider what personal strategies and actions we can put in place to continually top up our resilience over time.

We will also share with you external resources, ideas and suggestions for developing your understanding further and to support you in your role.

  • Explain what we mean by emotional intelligence and resilience (EI&R) and better understand where our behaviours stem from.
  • Explore what EI&R means in terms of our own roles within local councils.
  • Consider different responses to a range of scenarios
  • Introduce strategies to manage and respond effectively to stressful encounters at our local councils.
  • Develop a personal action plan for increasing skills in this area.

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Leadership in Challenging Situations

(£16) 60 mins

This module is designed to provide Clerks, Council Officers and Councillors with an introduction to the skills needed to be effective leaders in the different roles we have, and the different situations we face, in our local councils.

  • We are going to explore the ways in which all of us have leadership roles in our councils, whether we're aware of it or not.
  • We will consider a range of different leadership styles and explore when different leadership styles and approaches can be effective in different situations.
  • We will explore the related concepts of active listening and giving effective feedback, which are two core skills required to be an effective leader.
  • We will also consider the importance of effective teamwork how to get the most out of people you work and engage with across the council.
  • Understand what qualities make for both effective and ineffective leadership.
  • Explore the skills required for effective leadership in each of our roles.
  • Consider the types of situations within our local councils that require us to make use of leadership skills.
  • Develop a basic understanding of leadership styles and approaches.
  • Understand how to approach difficult situations
  • How to get more positive outcomes from people we work and engage with.

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Respectful and Positive Communication on Social Media for Local Councils

(£16) 60 mins

For local councils large and small, and increasingly for councillors, social media is a hugely important component of community engagement. Social media is increasingly being utilised by councils and councillors as a tool to stay in touch and engage with communities.

Yet there are challenges and barriers that prevent councils and councillors from reaping the full benefits of social media, and that's what we're going to explore in this module.

  • Consider the opportunities and risks that social presents to both councils and councillors from a civility and respect perspective.
  • Explore a range of strategies that councils and councillors can put in place to set themselves up for social media success.
  • Consider what we ‘sound like’ on social media and how our 'digital tone of voice' can impact how both how we come across to others, as well as impacting how others engage with us.
  • Understand how we can use social media to demystify the role of our council and our councillors.
  • What to do if things go wrong: how to manage a range of scenarios from trolling to harassment and what steps to take.

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Menopause Essentials

£14 per delegate (35 Mins)

Why do I need to learn about menopause? This is a question many of you may be asking. Luckily, it’s an easy one to answer...

Because nearly all of you will know and care about someone that experiences menopause. And roughly half of you will experience it yourself.

And even though menopause affects such a huge portion of the population, there’s still a widespread lack of understanding and reluctance to talk about it. 

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Recognise how menopause affects women in different ways
  • Take steps to create a more supportive workplace for those experiencing menopause

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

Human Factor Essentials

£14 per delegate (45 mins)

Have you ever done something wrong and instantly felt your stomach drop to your boots? Perhaps you sent a sensitive email to the wrong person, or got injured using a piece of equipment? None of us are immune to making mistakes... after all, we're only human!

Human error can occur for a number of reasons: the way our brain processes information; our training - or lack of it; the design of our equipment and procedures; or even the culture of the organisation we work for.

Understanding how and why we get things wrong is an important factor in preventing and mitigating potentially serious incidents in the workplace and beyond.

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the main types of errors that humans make
  • Identify key workplace error traps in order to remove or manage them
  • Recognise which Human Performance (HuP) tools can be used to mitigate error traps that can't be removed

 Enrol here

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Introduction to Changing Behaviours

£10 (20 mins duration)

Various studies by neurobiologists and cognitive psychologists indicate that anything from 40 to 95 percent of how we think, what we say, and our overall actions are habitual. This means that we become so used to doing certain things or behaving in particular ways, that our behaviour becomes subconscious - we are not aware that we are doing it. That's great if it's a good habit, but not so handy if it's a bad one!

For example, if you get some chocolate or biscuits when you feel bored with a task at work or home, it's a bad habit as it isn't good for your health if you do it too often.

Because a lot of our behaviour is habitual, in order to change it we need to work on rewiring our brain's neural pathways. The good news is that we have the ability to form new neural connections (because of our brain's neuroplasticity), which means we can reorganise the way we think and behave and we never need to be stuck with pre-learnt habits and behaviours.


Cyber Security Awareness

Cost: £15 per delegate

Course Duration: 45 Minutes

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Understand that cyber is wider than just technology and IT​
  • Identify and differentiate the types of cyber threat actors​
  • Improve your understanding of the use and management of passwords​
  • Understand the digital footprint and how to manage it
  • Identify methods to stay cyber safe at work and at home

There are 3 additional modules on Cyber Security Awareness (CSA):

  1. CSA Password Management
  2. CSA Video Conferencing
  3. CSA Phishing

If you wish to do one or all of these additional courses, please write in the comments box on the registration form. Each additional course is £15.

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Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Essentials

Cost: £14 per delegate

Course duration: 50 minutes

Description: The course boosts understanding of equality and diversity legislation. Using hand-picked examples, it demonstrates the benefits that come from promoting equality and diversity in the workplace. This module has a short assessment at the end to check understanding.

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Display Screen Equipment (DSE) Workstation Assessment

Cost: £14 per delegate

Course Duration: 35 Minutes

Description: This course, which includes extensive information and fundamentals on posture, as well as a practical manual on making adjustments to the workstation, was designed in cooperation with leading expert Rachel Stevens from Optimum Performance Training Ltd. Rachel has over 30 years’ experience of providing posture training, DSE workstation assessments and musculoskeletal advice. This module has a short assessment at the end to check understanding.

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.


Team Leadership Essentials

Cost: £14/delegate

Description: This highly interactive course helps your employees effectively lead teams towards a shared goal, by developing their leadership skills and using different leadership styles dependent on the situation. This module has a short assessment at the end to check understanding.

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 Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.


Stress Management Essentials

Cost: £14/delegate

Description: Most people experience stress from time to time, and this isn't necessarily bad; stress is a natural response, but prolonged periods of stress can be harmful. There are many ways in which employees can reduce or avoid stress, and if experiencing stress already, there are approaches to follow to manage stress effectively. This highly interactive course helps employees prevent, reduce, and manage their stress levels, by providing a wide range of tools to deal with stress.

This module has a short assessment at the end to check understanding.

Enrol here 

Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.



Customer Service Essentials

Cost: £14 per delegate (50 mins)

Have you ever refused to leave a tip at a restaurant, or put the phone down on a call centre representative in sheer frustration? Maybe you've been annoyed enough to leave a one-star review online!

Most of us have endured bad customer service at some point. As someone who interacts with customers, you have the power to make or break a person's day... and with that, your company's brand and reputation!

Your company relies on you to reinforce brand values, secure repeat business and inspire customer loyalty to increase revenue and achieve long-term success.

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Understand the principles of customer loyalty and how to build it through your interactions
  • Communicate more persuasively and effectively via the phone, video calls, face-to-face, and in writing
  • Provide a better level of customer service by using your customer service skills 'toolkit'

  • Understand the customer complaint resolution cycle and how to deal with common customer service challenges

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 Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.


Personal Safety Essentials

Cost: £14/delegate

Description: Throughout the course there are tips and strategies to be more safety conscious, to help employees minimise their vulnerability and enable them to avoid situations and environments that might place them at greater risk. This module has a short assessment at the end to check understanding.

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Freedom of Information Essentials

Cost: £14/delegate

Description: This highly interactive course effectively demonstrates the provisions of the Freedom of Information (FOI) act using engaging case studies throughout. Both publishing information and requests for information are explained and discussed in-depth with examples and detailed case studies. This module has a short assessment at the end to check understanding.

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.


Fire Safety Essentials

Cost: £14 per delegate (35 Mins)

As one of nature's most devastating elements, fire can consume indiscriminately, with enough ferocity to destroy property and take lives.

The best defence against such a force is to prevent fires from starting in the first place. This is only possible if we can understand the hazards and circumstances that lead to fire, and manage them appropriately.

But what if the worst does happen? Knowing how to respond in the event of a fire is vital in safeguarding your own safety, as well as your colleagues. Would you know what to do if the fire alarm sounded in your workplace right now?

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Understand employers' responsibilities under fire safety law
  • Prevent fires by using the fire triangle theory
  • Identify fire safety signs and appreciate the importance of knowing where they are in your workplace
  • Identify fire safety equipment and understand how it should be used
  • Recognise the need to periodically check fire safety procedures
  • Carry out the fire safety procedures in place in your organisation

 Enrol here

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Health and Safety Essentials

Cost: £14 per delegate (45 mins)

We've probably all been guilty of the odd eye roll in response to 'health and safety' comments at work!

Yet health and safety regulations have our best interests at heart; they seek to protect our physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace and are absolutely essential for all organisations operating under UK law.

Jobs in today's society are highly varied with employees working across many different environments. But regardless of whether you work in a warehouse or at a desk, you will still be exposed to health and safety related risks.

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Recognise why health and safety is important for individuals, employers and society as a whole
  • Understand the frameworks of health and safety legislation
  • Recognise the responsibilities your employer has for your health and safety
  • Use a range of health and safety techniques and good practice to help keep yourself safe at work (and beyond!)

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Data Protection Essentials (GDPR)

Cost: £14 per delegate (45 mins)

Now that technology plays such a central role in our everyday lives, many of us are sharing more and more personal information in exchange for products and services.

We want to think this data is secure and well-managed. However, with frequent reports of hacking attacks on large organisations and misused personal information, how can we be sure our data is safe?

People need to feel confident that their information is in good hands. Anyone who processes personal data must comply with data protection rules and follow good practice in data management.

By the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Recognise why fair and effective data management is important to individuals and to society as a whole
  • Understand relevant data protection legislation and regulations, along with the penalties for breaching these
  • Work with information in a way that doesn't breach the data protection principles and individuals' rights
  • Respond to requests for information from individuals in a way that is legal and effective

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Home Working Essentials

Cost: £14/delegate

Description: This course will provide some tips and advice on how to become an effective home worker. You’ll receive guidance on setting up your workspace, staying safe and secure, communicating remotely, and maintaining productivity while away from the office. This module includes practical guidance and advice to help you work productively in your home-office environment.

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Information Security Essentials

 Cost: £14/delegate

 This highly interactive course helps you become more aware of your role in information security. It prepares you to do your part and leaves you with best practice tips to ensure information is kept secure.

This module includes a range of learning activities to help you develop your understanding of information security.

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.


Anti-bribery Essentials

Cost: £14 per delegate (45 mins)

Bribery is known by many names - a sweetener, kickback or backhander - but would you really know if it was going on in your workplace?

The Bribery Act 2010 was introduced to halt corruption and bribery in the UK, and in organisations associated with the UK.

During this course we'll explore anti-bribery legislation under the Act, look at what constitutes bribery, and provide tips on how you can spot it. You'll learn when it's ok to accept a work-related gift, and when a 'gift' is considered bribery under the law.

By the end of the course, you should be able to:

  • Define bribery and corruption
  • Understand the Bribery Act 2010 and the penalties for breaking the law
  • Recognise what constitutes a crime under the Bribery Act
  • Know the six principles organisations should follow when designing their bribery policies and procedures
  • Know what actions to take should you suspect bribery

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.


Anti-money Laundering Essentials

Cost: £14 per delegate (50 mins)

Have you ever thought about the journey your cash might have taken to get to you? Would you have any idea if it had been used in a crime?

Every year, billions of pounds are illegally laundered through the UK. Any one of us could be handling laundered money without even realising it!

‘Money laundering’ is a tactic used by criminals to turn profits from illegal activity into seemingly ‘honest’ proceeds. By legitimising these ill-gotten gains, criminality can continue to thrive, thereby funding further corruption and terrorism, undermining financial sectors and negatively impacting the economy as a whole.

To prevent ‘dirty’ money from flowing freely through our system, it’s vital that companies and individuals know how to spot this type of financial crime.

This course aims to increase awareness of money laundering and includes a range of learning activities to help you develop your understanding of money laundering and how to prevent it.

When you finish the course, you’ll be asked to demonstrate your understanding by completing a short assessment.‍

After completing this course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe what money laundering is and how it is done
  • Understand UK legislation and regulations regarding money laundering and what they cover
  • Explain how to prevent money laundering
  • Recognise the consequences of non-compliance with anti-money laundering legislation

Topics explored in this course, Anti-Money Laundering Essentials:

  • Money laundering and terrorist financing
  • Government anti money laundering legislation
  • Preventing money laundering
  • Consequences of non-compliance

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Please note that when booking any e-learning course there will be a delay in receving the log in details as ALCA staff need to set up the links. Thank you.

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