North Somerset

Avon Local Councils' Association

North Somerset

ALCA North Somerset (ALCA NS) have an Annual AGM where 4 representatives are elected who meet weekly to discuss a variety of issues affecting North Somerset from planning to available grants.  They are joined twice a month by a North Somerset Officer from the Empowering Communities Team who share any future initiatives.  ALCA NS focus has been to improve engagement between North Somerset and Town & Parish Councils.

There are Biannual Area Group Forums run by North Somerset Council’s Planning Department where the 35 member Local Councils are informed of planning updates and have the opportunity to raise issues and questions

New to 2021 are three further forums run in conjunction with North Somerset Together addressing topics such as Engagement, Climate Change and Health & Wellbeing.

The NS ALCA Area Group also separately elects representatives to sit on external bodies, such as the Campaign to Protect Rural England, North Somerset People & Communities Board (now the Health & Wellbeing Board and the Community Safety Partnership) and Bristol Airport Transport Forum.


AGM 6th July 2023 at 6.30pm Banwell Community Centre and on ZOOM - Agenda AGM 6th July 2023

Minutes 16th June 2022 - Draft minutes 2022 AGM


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