Terms of Booking

Avon Local Councils' Association

Event Booking Terms & Conditions

Registration and Booking 

Places cannot be reserved on any ALCA event without the completion of a registration form by an Officer of the council (usually the Clerk). 

  • The completed registration form constitutes a legally binding contract.
  • Bookings will not be accepted after the 'Registration closes' date displayed on our website (even when received through the post).
  • All delegates must be booked in advance of the event registration deadline.
  • Any delegates turning up at an event without prior booking will be turned away.

Delegate Cancellations

Any cancellations must be received in writing at least 7 days before the event or the full fee will be payable. This is reduced to 5 days for online events. 

  • Where payment has already been processed cancellations made within the time frame above will be refunded by bank transfer to the council. 
  • Any cancellations made after the 7-day deadline are not transferable. This is reduced to 5 days for online events. 
  • Substitute delegate(s) may be named at any time up to 8am the day before the event. 
  • When naming substitute delegates please provide a contact email address so that we can confirm the booking details to them 

Delegate Details 

It is the responsibility of the person booking (usually the Clerk) to check the spelling of delegates names and email addresses, as these will be used for all event joining instructions, reminders and certificates. 

  • The delegate will receive an automatic confirmation email to the email addresses provided at the time of booking, if the confirmation email is not received the booking has not been made onto the course, please contact the office as soon as possible. 
  • We will only use the personal information you give us for the event you register onto, this data will be retained for six months following the date of submission. 
  • All data submitted through our website is encrypted and held securely on our servers in the UK. 

Photography and Recordings 

We may take photos at the event which are likely to be used in any of the following ways:

  • ALCA or other websites 
  • Social media feeds 
  • ALCA marketing materials 
  • Newsletters and publications 

We may record online (Zoom) events which may be used in any of the following ways: 

  • Shared on YouTube publicly 
  • Shared on social media feeds 
  • Shared on our website 
  • Shared in our newsletters and publications
  • Thumbnail (still) images extracted and used in any of the media listed above 

 If you object to your image being used in this way please inform us in writing (email is fine) prior to the event. 

Course Cancellations or Changes 

It may be necessary, for reasons beyond the control of ALCA, to change the content and timing of the programme, the speaker, the date or the venue.  In the unlikely event of any event being cancelled, ALCA will automatically refund any course costs paid, but disclaim any further liability.  Travel costs cannot be reimbursed. 

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