South Gloucestershire
South Gloucestershire ALCA Area Group
- Mike Drew (Yate TC)
- Gail Boyle (Pucklechurch PC)
- Vacancy
- Sue Hope (Hawkesbury PC)
The South Gloucestershire ALCA Area Group meets once a year at its Annual General Meeting to hear presentations from related organisations on such topics as Climate Change, Health and Well Being, Fair Trade, planning etc. This meeting is also for the 40 member Local Councils and Parish Meetings to raise issues and questions to be addressed by South Gloucestershire Council.
The four representatives, elected by the ALCA Group, to sit on the Avon Regional Committee feed the more sector related issues up to the National Association of Local Council and also feed into sector specific consultations on behalf of the membership, to influence NALCs lobbying of government for policy change where needed.
Local Councils in South Gloucestershire also meet, independently of ALCA, as a Forum group with South Gloucestershire Council.
SG Area Group AGM 2022 draft minutes
Planning Reforms Briefing paper
To hear a recording of the presentation by Cllr Gail Boyle on the Proposed Planning Reforms please see the coloumn to the left of this article. You will need to download the file and right click to select a media player to listen to it on e.g. Windows Media Player, Groove Music etc.,